System architect at AraxaTech
Goes like this:
git status | grep modified: | awk 'BEGIN {FS="[ \t]+modified:[ \t]+";print "Change summary\n";} {print "* " $2 "\t\n";}'
Sample output:
Change summary* include/Application.hpp
* include/fengine.hpp
* samples/if.ftx
* src/fEngine/compiling/Compiler.cpp
* src/fEngine/compiling/Compiling.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/Alt.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/BuiltInTag.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/Case.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/CodeGenerator.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/Default.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/ElIf.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/Else.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/Footer.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/Foreach.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/Header.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/If.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/Item.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/Link.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/List.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/Placeholder.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/Row.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/Separator.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/Switch.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/Table.cpp
* src/fEngine/f/When.cpp
* src/fEngine/http/HttpRequest.cpp
* src/fEngine/http/HttpResponse.cpp
* src/fEngine/parser/Print.cpp
* src/fEngine/parser/TemplateDeclaration.cpp
* src/fEngine/parser/TemplateDeclaration.hpp
* src/fEngine/pch.hpp
* src/fEngine/settings/ConfigFile.cpp
* src/fEngine/settings/ConfigSettings.cpp
* src/fEngine/templates/Application.cpp
* src/fEngine/templates/CustomTag.cpp
* src/fEngine/templates/Lambda.cpp
* src/fEngine/templates/Template.cpp
The other one sorting according to filename
git status | \
grep modified: | \
awk 'BEGIN {FS="[ \t]+modified:[ \t]+"} {split($2, path, "/"); rev_str = ""; path_len = length(path); for (i = 0; i < path_len; i++) rev_str = rev_str path[path_len - i]; files[rev_str] = $2; } END {for (f in files) print f "\t" files[f];}' | \
sort -f | \
awk 'BEGIN { FS="\t+"; print "Change Summary\n"; } {print "* " $2 "\n";}'
Output similar to:
working in AraxaTech
One more capturing other modification statuses as well
Since previous versions did not capture other modification statuses (renamed, new etc.).
git status | \
grep -E "(modified|new file|copied|renamed):" | \
awk 'BEGIN {FS="[ \t]+(modified|new file|copied|renamed):[ \t]+"} {split($2, path, "/"); rev_str = ""; path_len = length(path); for (i = 0; i < path_len; i++) rev_str = rev_str path[path_len - i]; files[rev_str] = $2; } END {for (f in files) print f "\t" files[f];}' | \
sort -f | \
awk 'BEGIN { FS="\t+"; print "Change Summary\n"; } {print "* " $2 "\n";}'
working in AraxaTech