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Ivan Radovanovic's blog

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Programming fonts

I was for very long time happy with Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, but since lately it doesn't show that well on my monitor any more. I thought finding nice looking development font would be 5 minutes of browsing, but apparently it was not that easy. I found this website with lot of programming fonts and I tested many of them, but I liked only few - those are:

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Directory Permissions for ASP.Net Web Applications

If configuring with default settings make sure to add privileges to user "IIS AppPool\name_of_the_pool".

When testing application if using only IP make sure that checking hostname in request header is not enabled.

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

Unbound without DNSSEC on FreeBSD 10

After initial installation according to instructions in handbook, you have to edit /var/unbound/unbound.conf and to add module-config: "iterator" to server section there, so it looks similar to

username: unbound
directory: /var/unbound
chroot: /var/unbound
pidfile: /var/run/
auto-trust-anchor-file: /var/unbound/root.key

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

Useful one-liner for building template git comment

Goes like this:
git status | grep modified: | awk 'BEGIN {FS="[ \t]+modified:[ \t]+";print "Change summary\n";} {print "* " $2 "\t\n";}'

Sample output:

Change summary

* include/Application.hpp

* include/fengine.hpp


* samples/if.ftx

* src/fEngine/compiling/Compiler.cpp

* src/fEngine/compiling/Compiling.cpp

* src/fEngine/f/Alt.cpp

* src/fEngine/f/BuiltInTag.cpp

* src/fEngine/f/Case.cpp

* src/fEngine/f/CodeGenerator.cpp

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

Unzip multivolume zip file on FreeBSD

It can be done with port installed, but first multivolume zip has to be converted to single volume zip file.

First run
zip -FF path-to-multivolume-zip --out path-to-singlezip
to convert to single volume, then you can unzip that one as usual.

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

How to find out which preprocessor symbols are defined for C/C++ compiler

Run compiler with arguments -dM -E -xc++ /dev/null. (-x specifies language, so if you want to see predefined symbols for C, you should use -xc instead of -xc++).

For example:
clang -dM -E -xc++ /dev/null

gcc -dM -E -xc++ /dev/null

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

Configuring web server with intermediate SSL certificates

If you received intermediate certificates and you need to install them you should simply concatenate them in one file in reversed trust delegating order. So if trust is delegated like this:

root -> intermediate1 -> intermediate2 -> your-site

in pem file certificates should be in this order:

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

Site with nice pictures

Barenova - nice pictures.

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

When USB devices don't run properly in VirtualBox guest

Since FreeBSD is not officially supported by Oracle, they don't make extension pack for it. For this reason all USB 2 and later devices will most likely fail in guest operating systems with weird errors (devices are recognized but they do not work later). Workaround for this is to force device to 1.1 within host operating system and only then to use them in guest OS. To accomplish this:
- disconnect device
- execute sysctl hw.usb.ehci.no_hs=1 as root
- connect device
- map it inside VirtualBox for guest OS to see

Ivan Radovanovic's picture

Making GNOME 3 usable under FreeBSD

As usable as it could be after their developers got infected by that brain parasite (it is funny how functionality-wise pretty much everything is done in wrong way).

Plugins needed/enabled:


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